Then I had to remember the process of paint, distress (sand) and stain muslin to make it "primitive", but this cute little couple came out of the process.
This little baby just can't get enough embroidery. I started with a piece of tatting and then it just kept needing more....
I should probably finish her face and call her done! I only "aged" the muslin with coffee on this bunny. I hope to have a pattern and tutorial finished by Friday that I will post on the entire process.
There is a pattern for this bunny in paper...

I love Scherenschnitte (paper cutting). This ornament will sit on the table or hang from the center connecting thread. Working on another something Egg-stra special in paper cutting too.
Linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.
Hope you have enjoyed my litter of bunnies!
Happy coloring,