Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Just Goes to Show You

Or at least it showed me....that would be the 33rd Annual Tyler Quilt Show.

One event after another had delayed the finishing of a quilt that I had committed to enter into the show. (Have you ever "picked out" any quilting?...At least three hours of pulling strings was really annoying.) The day the quilts were to be delivered another un-anticipated event made it necessary to leave town no later than 11:15....quilt receiving was to last until 1:00. (I had anticipated being the last person to deliver my quilt.)  So, the moral of this little tale....Even if you are sitting in the parking lot of the convention center using every last minute to sew the binding can be worth the effort!

My favorite judge's comment was about how bindings should be smooth without puckers! If she only knew.

Now that all the drama has settled, it is back to things unfinished. I had pulled out the 10 completed blocks from the 2013 Saturday Sampler Block of the Month from a local quilt shop. I completed the last 2 today, but before I could get my sewing mess cleared away here comes...

It was just supposed to be a brainstorming session on what designs I wanted to fill in the "blank" spots...
Hey! No Sock Monkeys in this quilt!

...and before I knew what had really happened, I was coloring. 

I think I will call this quilt Saturday's at Home. I am going to color in those things that happen in my back yard. (Like mushrooms, toads and insects! And maybe some flowers too...dandelions teehee)

Lots and lots of coloring still to do!

Linking up with

Happy Coloring, 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Nothin' Like Texas in the Springtime

~~Saturday, March 1st was spent outside in pleasant 70 degree weather. The hubby and I were giving our  flower gardens their Spring Cleaning. (I use the term flower garden very loosely.) We went to bed tired, but with the yard in great shape.

~~Now comes Sunday, March 2nd...66 degrees in the A.M.....46.....36.....rain starts around noon...then sleet...then 

5:30 and it is light's out. 

Early evening and what to do? Well, color by candlelight of course! It was fun to see what colors had been used in the mornings light.

Normally our little cold spells last a day, maybe two. This one is forecast for two. Thank goodness the rescue squad was here within 18 hours. I was beginning to have techie withdrawals.

Spring on Ice

Stay warm out there!